Aiviekste’s Hydroelectric Power Station

"The Hydroelectric Power Plant began producing electricity in 1925. From 1925 to 1938, Aiviekste’s HPS was the largest station in Latvia with its hydro-turbines whose total capacity was 1070 hp, which, in favorable meteorological conditions, produced approximately 5 GWh of electricity per year. The HPS stopped working in 1969, however, already in 1988 the Aiviekste’s HPS was entered on the list of renewable electric power stations. In 1993, renovation of hydroelectric power station started and, one year later, it started working again. The total capacity of Aiviekste’s HPS is 0.8 MW." (Source:

* A walk around the public part of Aiviekste hydroelectric power plant, footbridge.
Lat, lon: 56.646285, 25.947317, Aiviekste, Kalsnavas pagasts, Madonas novads
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